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Light Language 4th Dimension Healing

"Speak with the language of love."

— Rumi

The Language of Light is the Language of the Soul

It is with certainty that the Language of Light is of pure Love.
Healing energy is experienced in many ways, such as visually or through our sense of touch. When healing vibrations and frequencies are expressed verbally, written, or signed with the hands, it is known has Light Language. While we may not understand the meaning of the sounds, symbols and movements that we experience during a Light Language transmission, our cells and soul understand fully, openly receiving the ancient wisdom and blessing that is being offered to us.

I speak a variety of Light Languages, which can sound like chants, clicks, pulses, tones, songs and spoken dialects. At times I am aware of the meaning of the message contained within the Light Language, while at other times I am not. Whether or not the message is translated into English is not important. Our soul, cells and DNA understand the transformational healing gift that Light Language brings into our body, mind and spirit.
During a Light Language Activation Healing session I will ask you to set a personal healing intention. This is important. By consciously naming your physical, emotional, mental or spiritual needs, you are claiming your role as your own healer. Once your intention is clear, I will then voice the specific Light Languages that will bring into your energy field the vibrations and frequencies to benefit your highest healing.

To learn more about how Light Language supports body-mind-spirit healing, check out my Ask Learn Heal podcast episode: The Healing Power of Light Language.


Light Language Activation Healing Sessions:
A Light Language Activation Healing session includes consultation, Light Language transmission, and time following the transmission for questions, sharing and insights.  
Light Language Activation Healing sessions may take place in person or virtually. You are welcome to record your Light Language Healing session. 


Contact Mary Jo for more information.

Weekday Rate 

60 minute Light Language Session - $100
30 minute Light Language Session - $50


Saturday Rate

New Clients: Additional $55 per session

Returning Clients: Additional $45 per session

Light Language 4th Dimension Healing

Examples of Light Language Healing

Before listening to the following Light Language transmissions, take a moment to quiet your mind, breathe slowly, and focus on your heart.

Light Language Transmission for Peace

Peace - 4th Dimension Healing Light Language Transmission - Mary Jo Feely, 4th Dimension Healing
00:00 / 00:00

Light Language Transmission for Compassion

Compassion - 4th Dimension Healing Light Language Transmission - Mary Jo Feely, 4th Dimension Healing
00:00 / 00:00

Light Language Transmission for Balance

Balance - 4th Dimension Healing Light Language Transmission - Mary Jo Feely, 4th Dimension Healing
00:00 / 00:00

Energy and Crystal Healing is not meant to replace conventional medicine, but rather to complement and enhance it.

© 2025 4th Dimension Healing LLC | All Rights Reserved | Stillwater, Minnesota | 651-439-9001 

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